THE best results are achieved from spraying when weeds are at the right stage for an effective kill. Weeds should be sprayed when they are green and leafy and are actively growing. Below is a guide of the ‘best times to spray’ for a range of weeds:
Docks should be 15cm to 25cm (8ins to 10ins) high or across and before a seed head begins to emerge.Thistles should have four to 10 leaves and be 15-25cm high. Nettles, buttercups and other weeds should be sprayed before flowering.Where weeds are gone beyond these stages, it is best to top them and spray after about three weeks regrowth when they should be at the right stage for an effective kill. If you are using Envy, for example, use plenty of water – a minimum 200l/ha and increase to 300l/ha where weeds are large or where there is shading from dense grass.Keep animals off the pasture for seven days after spraying with Envy.In some situations, a follow up spray may be needed, particularly where there are heavy infestations of weeds such as docks and thistles. Also, bare soil patches following the elimination of weeds can provide an opportunity for new seedlings to germinate. SPOT SPRAYING