GrazonPro can give good levels of control of sycamore seedlings. It should be used at 60mls in 10lt of water when using a conventional knapsack sprayer, a quad-bike sprayer or a suitable lance on a tractor mounted sprayer.

Horse owners need to be aware of grazing intervals, as they may need to leave longer than 7 days if poisonous weeds are present.

GrazonPro is the ideal, cost effective spot treatment for a wide range of weeds including docks, nettles, thistles, briars, gorse, buttercups and brushwood/scrub. It contains two powerful root-killing ingredients – triclopyr and clopyralid.

Triclopyr is highly effective on brushwood/scrub and nettles. No other product on the market for knapsack application has as high a concentration of this powerful chemical.

GrazonPro is the perfect treatment for weeds under fences or at ditches and walls. It can also be used as a spot treatment where weeds infestations across fields are 5% or less.

Note: In next week’s Horse Sense, vet Sarah Ross will share a comprehensive guide to Atypical Myopathy.