THE City of Dublin Education and Training Board (CDETB) has partnered with the Association of Irish Riding Establishments (AIRE) to deliver an Equestrian International Instructor (BHSAI) course.
The CDETB deliver an extensive range of training to a diverse range of clients including persons wishing to up-date or acquire new skills and early school leavers. Traineeships are occupational specific and industry endorsed training programmes which combine training centre and on-the-job elements leading to QQI major awards mostly at levels 5 and 6 and/or industry recognised certification providing access to specific occupations in designated sectors.
These programmes are targeted at occupations which are not designated as apprenticeships but entail significant skill requirements which are best acquired through a combination of alternating periods of on and off-the-job training.
As part of the BHSAI course students will receive training in BHS Stage 1, 2, 3 riding and care and teaching. This training covers the basic principles of horse care and gives you the competencies to apply the basic principles of coaching.
The student commences the traineeship with one week in Ballyfermot Training Centre where they will receive the First Aid Responder course (three days), Health and Safety Awareness course (one day), Manual Handling course (half day) and Safeguarding course (half day).
The student then goes to a riding centre for 47 weeks training. Students can go online at to find a riding centre near them that is offering this course. Each riding centre will receive a training plan and specification and a skills competency book which will be filled out on a weekly basis for each pupil. Each centre will be asked to sign a contract with the CDETB for the traineeship. Trainees must sign in and out of the riding centre each day of work.
Students do not receive wages during the traineeship, however, they will be able to retain unemployment benefit or social welfare assistance; they may also be eligible for accommodation or mileage assistance from CDETB. The trainees accommodation allowance is €69.90 if living outside a certain distance, details to be discussed with the CDETB.
Under the terms of the traineeship, a student will work for no more than 40 hours per week, and training required for exam preparation must be provided within these 40 hours. Trainees may work up to 48 hours subject to an agreement between the student and the centre.
The trainee will have two days off each week and these days should be consecutive. Equestrian trainees are entitled to Christmas and Easter holidays; these include Good Friday and Easter Monday. Christmas days of leave will be forwarded by the CDETB office. Time in lieu for all the above holidays and all public holidays that occur during the course should be arranged between the trainee and their equestrian centre.
Candidates may claim in respect of fees paid to take BHS Stages 1, 2, 3 and PTT exam on first attempt, resits will not be funded by CDETB. BHS membership fees are not refunded. The student may take Equestrian Tourism Ride Leader Level 2 and 3 in place of Stage 1 or Stage 2 with prior agreement from the AIRE office.
A clothing allowance up to a maximum of €300 is also available so that trainees can purchase an approved riding hat, back protector, one pair of jodhpurs or riding breeches, one pair of riding or protective boots and one pair of suitable riding gloves.
Students who have already achieved a BHS certificate may be considered for a place on the course. Individuals who lived outside the island of Ireland for two or more continuous years within the last five years are not eligible for this programme.
Applications can be obtained from Marguerite Byrne at Ballyfermot Training Centre.
Tel: 01 6055830