Yard equipment
THERE are plenty of smaller pieces of machinery and equipment which help make yard life a lot easier. Some of the following pieces of equipment can help you get jobs done on the yard faster.
Power washer: These would have many uses on a yard from washing vehicles to deep cleaning stables.Hot water: This is very handy to have on a yard for washing horses, especially during the colder months. It is also handy if you are handwashing numnahs or bandages. A waterboy is a good solution to get hot water on your yard.Leaf blower: This will cut the time it takes to sweep the yard down dramatically. These also come in handy in surfaces that are difficult to sweep.Lawn mower: Keeping grass areas and verges neat and tidy can make a real difference to the overall look of your yard.Strimmer: For areas that are difficult to mow, a strimmer will help keep things neat. Chainsaw: From fallen trees to general DIY repairs, a chainsaw can often come in handy.Chain harrow: A chain harrow is a handy piece of equipment to have around the yard for levelling out arena surfaces and promoting good grass growth in your paddocks. It is also a good way to remove weeds.