STEPHEX Horsetrucks is a horse truck construction company founded in 2005 by Stephan Conter. It is the uncontested European leader within the field, with several brands to its name: STX Horseboxes and STX Two Horses, Equix, AKX and Ketterer.

Gavin Cooper from Cooper Horse Trucks is the sole distributer of these trucks in Ireland. He brought the first right hand drive into Ireland in 2013 and since then they have become very popular, leading sales in the premium segment.

Cooper sells a range of different sized trucks from 2.5 tonne to 26 tonne so there is something to suit everyone, no matter what their needs are. The STX Two Horses are particularly popular among many of the country’s leading stud farms, show jumpers and equestrian homes.


Every time Stephex trucks hit the road – to go to a regional competition, or across Europe to an international five-star event – they focus on three core components: their safety, their comfort, and their own peace of mind.

Providing our equine counterparts with comfortable, extremely safe transport is as important as it gets for Stephex.

Horses and riders are already under stress during competition, with unfamiliar surroundings and high-pressure in events. Stephex believe transportation is something riders shouldn’t have to worry about and it should be something to look forward to for both horses and riders.

The STX Two Horses is a truly luxury vehicle.

More importantly, it is super safe and comfortable for your horses, with well-sized partitioned stalls, subtle slip-free floors, and permanent front-wheel drive built on a Renault Master.

The STX Two Horses is available in different sizes (single cabin with three seats and double cabin with five seats) and in different models; the stallion model with closed stalls for extra safety are the most popular.