NIALL Smyth Equestrian are leaders in all aspects of equestrian construction and planning. They are also the European registered installers of the new revolutionary Capillary Flow arena irrigation system.
Capillary Flow is a sub-surface irrigation system, built using a patented ground system producing the optimal footing conditions for horse and rider, with constantly moving water purified with oxygen and completely controlled moisture levels.
This system cleans the water with oxygen through an airlift pump, water is constantly moving, which allows complete control of moisture levels throughout your entire sand surface, always watering from below to achieve the perfect cushioning and moisture levels you require. Minimum water is used, and no sprinklers are required.
Simple App
Capillary Flow allows easy and complete control of the exact moisture level you require through a convenient and simple App on your phone, you can also set the system to automatic for complete consistency throughout. The constant movement of water through the Capillary Flow system ensures that there is no anaerobic bacteria, stale water or black layer in the sand, which can occur in older systems, where water is not moving and has little oxygen, causing drainage issues and foul smell.
Capillary Flow introduces oxygen into the water constantly in a smart controlled base set, where fresh air is forced up through the sand with the moving water table several times a day, to alleviate contamination from organic materials and fine particles in the sand. Capillary Flow can also install a special wash box, which washes and removes components in your sand significantly increasing the lifespan of your sand surface.
Capillary Flow systems comes with a 15-year guarantee on all indoor or outdoor arenas in any part of the world. Capillary Flow ensures perfect arena conditions, regardless of any weathers, hot or cold.
This system is revolutionary for the equestrian industry for all disciplines, indoor and outdoor, grass or sand, and can be used with or without fibre or any other synthetic footing. Capillary Flow Arena Systems are distributed in Ireland by Cropcare, a well-known supplier of products and advice for grass surfaces for all sports, Their sales manager is John Killoran.
All queries can be directed to Niall Smyth: 086-1069581, John Killoran (Cropcare) 086-2225543 or Samantha Smyth 086-8959863.