THIS year’s Dublin Horse Show social media star was undoubtedly Zohra Smyth riding side saddle on the magnificent Cloonan Hector. Placing third on the day, the jaw-droppingly impressive footage of them galloping around Ring 2 made a splash across the social channels. Many hunts now hold specific side saddle days and to get the best out of hunting side saddle, but before you head off this season, it’s good to note that even the most accomplished side saddle riders hone their skills with lessons. Most people who ride regularly will pick up riding side saddle in a lesson or two and then it’s up to you how quickly you put your skills into practice on the hunting field.
How do you stay on?
This is an amusing question to all side saddle riders as they know just how secure the saddle keeps them. It is in fact quite difficult to fall off a side saddle! You can mount up as if astride, then hook your right leg around the upper pommel and keep the calf firmly gripped against the saddle, while the left leg tucks in under a pommel and the left foot goes into a stirrup as usual.
The rider has to have good core strength and be poised and supple. The rider should keep their right shoulder back, their hips level, their right toe pointing down and their left foot completely level to the ground while imagining a thumb tack is sticking up out of the left hand side of the seat and thus keeping their weight over to the offside. When jumping, you can get forward and think ‘left shoulder to the horse’s right ear’.
Side saddle attire for field and show
Hunting days
A revival of side saddle began in recent years. There is an active side saddle association with members ranging in age from eight to 80! The association organises outings such as ‘have a go days’, special side saddle hunting days, and training clinics with saddles provided on the day, along with affiliated competition sat shows all over the country.
Information is communicated through the side saddle association website along with their Side Saddle Ireland Riders Facebook group where members can interact, help each other with any queries and share events and photos. New members are always very welcome and will be given every assistance to get started. For more information: