THE Association of Irish Racehorse Owners [AIRO] says it is worth exploring a proposal that bloodstock sales companies in Ireland should contribute, through a levy, to rehoming and retraining horses.

The suggestion was made by Prof Paddy Wall in his 40-page report on traceability issues in the Irish equine sector.

Commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, the report also suggests this levy could “include support for end-of-life options for horses”.

Asked to comment on the report’s main findings, the AIRO told The Irish Field: “Regarding a levy for contributions from Irish sales companies for retraining/rehoming and end-of-life option supports, it would be interesting to investigate how this levy is garnered, distributed and utilised in the UK and to explore if something similar can be implemented here.

“The initiatives on training for end-of-life options outlined in the action plan will also be warmly welcomed.”

In Britain Goffs, Tattersalls and ThoroughBid have committed to making a £6 contribution for every lot sold in 2025 and 2026 to the Retraining of Racehorses organisation. Last December both Goffs and Tattersalls Ireland told The Irish Field they were open to the idea of participating in a similar levy on Irish bloodstock sales which would fund the retraining and/or rehoming of retired racehorses here.

Gaps in system

Reflecting on Prof Wall’s report in general, the AIRO statement said: “For the most part Irish racehorse owners are well aware of their responsibilities in respect of horse welfare but we do acknowledge there are notable gaps and flaws within the current traceability system that do need to be bridged and that are addressed in this report.

“The reforms proposed within this report regarding a central database for identification and traceability of horses are interesting. From an owners’ perspective, data collection and compliance regarding movements, change of ownership, et cetera whilst in training (HRI RÁS) is really effective, the gap exists after racing and this new proposed system together with the proposed inspections outlined in the action plan for equine horse dealers could provide the necessary plug to bridge these gaps.

“The establishment of a new horse slaughter facility complete with the high level assurances to the welfare of horses is essential and needed as soon as possible.

“The report considers reallocating a small proportion of existing government grants provided to HRI and the different entities involved to support the running of this new slaughter facility. Luckily HRI’s budget each year allocates a substantial sum to fund to the HRI Welfare department.

“As an industry, it is essential for the future of racing that we all have a collaborative plan in place in respect to welfare.

“From an owners’ perspective we intend to put our shoulder to the wheel, to assist where we can with regard to welfare and the implementation of these proposed reforms and will educate our members about any updates as they are presented.”

ITBA comment

Peter O’Reilly, CEO of the Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association, said: “The ITBA is very encouraged by the report of Prof Wall as it is comprehensive, touches on all the key areas that many organisations like us have been working on, and crucially makes recommendations that, with the cooperation , of all the relevant stakeholders in the equine industry, are very achievable.

“It is very heartening to see Minister Heydon, a long term champion of our industry, with a pragmatic action plan ready to roll based on the recommendations in the report. That will ensure a very healthy dynamic to empower all of us within the industry to work together and make Ireland the global role model for equine traceability and welfare.”

Debby Ewing, a former racehorse trainer who has been outspoken on equine welfare issues, commented: “Prof Wall’s report is excellent, with wide-ranging recommendations and objectives - many of which are long overdue - which have to be applauded - especially if they are all initiated in the 2025-2026 timeline.”

However, Ewing said she was disappointed that “despite several references within the report to the need for a zero tolerance approach to equine welfare abuses, that there isn’t a main objective that specifically commits to this with the objective being that all welfare regulations will be widely policed and enforced.”