Alison Corr

What is your earliest point-to-point memory?

One of my earliest memories is going to the Ballynoe point-to-point with my Dad when I was 10.

Is that where you became interested in racing?

Nope not at all! I had no interest in racing, I was all into show jumping and hunting. It wasn’t until I was 19 that I became interested in racing.

How did you get involved with racing?

I joined Sean Ahearne and started with him.

What has been your biggest disappointment/achievement in racing?

My biggest disappointment was losing the Anglo-Irish Challenge. It was local and I hated losing it. My biggest achievement was my first point-to-point winner on Isourbell a few years ago.

What do you find most challenging about racing?

I think the long hours. You’re up early in the morning to get all jobs done before heading to the track. Then you come back after the race and finish up. Then it starts all over again.

What do you do outside of racing?

Help out with the farm at home.

What advice would you give your 10-year-old self?

This is a hard one. I suppose enjoy what you’re doing and stick with it.

If you could travel the world, what would your top three places be?

I went to New Zealand in January and I would definitely go back. My brother was in Canada so I’d go there. For a third one? Definitely somewhere hot and exotic.

How would you describe yourself in two words? (We tried for three)

Stubborn and hard working.

What is your most treasured possession/memory?

My phone. I’d feel lost without it like most people. My most treasured memory was Kinsale this year in the parade ring. The amount of people saying good luck was unreal.