The start: I liked to show the horse the first fence and then most jockeys would wish each other luck as we circle around at the start – not something you’d normally do!
Fence 1 and17: (4 feet, 6 inches) The first fence comes quickly and I’d always want to jump it in the middle. At about 10 to 15 strides off it, I’d try to get the horse back on to his hocks and on the bridle in order to get him concentrating on the fence. It is a fair bit smaller than in years past. The drop is not too bad.
Fence 2 and 18: (4ft 7in) The second fence is slightly bigger and rides like it. There’s often a faller or two here.
Fence 3 and 19: (5ft) A very big open ditch and the first real test, with a 6ft gap between the front of the ditch and the fence itself. A horse has to stand off and really stretch. There is a good drop behind it.
Fence 4 and 20: (4ft 10in) A standard fence and straightforward.
Fence 5 and 21: (5ft) Another regular fence, big enough though.
Runners in the Grand National face up to Beechers Brook. Photo HEALY RACING.
BECHER’S BROOK: Fence 6 and 22: (4ft 10in, with a 5ft 6in brook on landing) The most famous fence in the world. I fell twice there – with Brown Windsor and West Tip, and nearly fell on Miinnehoma in ’94. I’d always try to pull out and jump it down the middle, because the fence is on an angle with a huge drop towards the inner rail. On the second circuit, after almost 3m, horses may be getting tired, which makes it trickier.
FOINAVON – Fence 7 and 23: (4ft 6in) The smallest fence bar the Water Jump, but those horses that have had a fright at Becher’s, tend not to jump high at it and they can make bad mistakes. It is an awkward fence, taken on the turn.
CANAL TURN – Fence 8 and 24: (5ft) Horses have to negotiate a sharp 90-degree bend after the fence and if you are on the inside, you can find yourself in trouble. It is a big fence, but you try to apex the corner. On the second circuit, loose horses may be even more of a problem. Six from home is where you start to think of it as a race, rather than about simply surviving.
VALENTINES BROOK – Fence 9 & 25: (5ft, with a 5ft 6in brook on landing) It has a drop, but it is a reasonable fence and when you get over the Canal Turn, you really start to concentrate on getting your horse balanced and into a rhythm.
Fence 10 and 26: (4ft 10in) A fair fence. You are just looking at others around you and worrying about loose horses.
Fence 11 and 27: (5ft, 6ft drop) A big open ditch that rides well. Four from home on the second circuit, the race is really on.
Fence 12 and 28: (5ft 6in) A big fence, but it rides well normally.
Fence 13 and 29: (4ft 7in) In past years there have been a few fallers here, but it rides a bit easier now. It is also the second-last fence.
Fence 14 and 30 - THE LAST: (4ft 6in) Not a difficult fence but some horses are getting very tired and can make errors second time around. (See the RUN-IN)
THE CHAIR – Fence 15: (6ft, preceded by a 5ft 2in ditch) Jumped once, this is biggest fence in the National and the narrowest. It is imperative you find enough room and not take off too far from it. There is a formidable ditch in front of it and unlike any other fences, you land at a higher level than when you took off.
Jumping the Chair fence. Photo HEALY RACING.
WATER JUMP – Fence 16: (4ft 6in) My Grandfather, Dick Thrale, fell at this fence in the 1920’s and was among one of the last people to do so.
It is 494 yards from the last fence to the line.
There is a lot of open space when you land over the last and horses may begin to idle and hang. Conserve energy, because you have to be aware that there is only one winning post.
When you reach the elbow, you’ll then really start to dig deep and ask your horse for everything. The running rail starts again there so it should help keep the horse straight.
Getting there in front is an unbelievable feeling.
With West Tip it was sheer jubilation, with Miinnehoma it was a touch of relief, because I felt I’d gone too soon and almost given the race away – I’d got the shock of my life when Just So came up to my girth at the elbow, but fortunately we had enough in reserve.
We celebrated quite late when Miinnehoma won – and I had to go to Martin Pipe’s early the next morning. But with Michael Oliver’s winner, West Tip, a team of us went to the Cotswold Gateway in Burford, it was a top night.
Trust me, there’s no better feeling in Jump racing than riding the winner of the Grand National!
Two-time Grand National winner Richard Dunwoody shares his insight on behalf of GentingBet