NEXT Thursday sees the start of the two-day Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) stallion inspections at Cavan Equestrian Centre (March 20th-21st), where the first group will start at 8am.

Without Irish Draught entries and spectators, previous Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) annual stallion inspections would have been small events. ‘Draught Days’ at Cavan, where the HSI central inspections are held, has drawn breed enthusiasts since 2010.

That was the first year of Cavan central inspections and attracted the most spectators, including Draught fans from Canada, Britain and the United States, curious to see the new format first-hand.

Sadly, one of the annual British visitors - Ellen Walton, an Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) trustee - passed away recently. A true ambassador for the breed, she had this to say at the inaugural inspections: “It’s not my first time to visit the stallion inspections here, but it is the first time to see the new system, which I am familiar with, because we’ve implemented it in England.

“I’d say to anyone who is interested, do go to the trouble of going to these inspections. They’re very beneficial.”

As Gladys McArdle said in last week’s feature (when successful additions to the Irish Draught, Irish Sport Horse and Irish Sport Pony studbooks since 2010 were listed), Class 1 status is well-regarded amongst Draught breeders.

So, when HSI made the controversial decision to suspend the 2016 stallion inspections - later reversed - pending a review of the inspection process, four Irish Draught owners travelled their stallions to the IDHS(GB) inspections.

Kenny and Wendy Bell’s Castleview Inisfree Farmer (Tors Gentleman Farmer), Denis O’Brien’s Goldsmithcountry Oliver (Holycross) and Jimmy Quinn’s duo: Cappa Amadeus (Cooloo Crest) and Cappa Emperor (Creggan Emperor) gained Class 1 approval cross-channel that spring.

Entries reached their peak in 2011. Some 102 of the 127 sport horse and Irish Draught candidates turned up at Cavan and two extra days were added on, with the final session ending at 9pm on the fourth night.

The lack of onlookers at inspections has always been a talking point. “It is amazing that there is so much comment and commentary on the product and so little interest in the process and you can’t have one without the other. That is a disconnect that has to be closed,” remarked the late Harold McGahern.

Since the initial flurry in the early years, entries have levelled off. The lowest number was in 2014, when just 27 stallions were put forward for the 2014 inspections. Recent years typically see entries ranging from the mid-30s to mid-40s.

The good news is that entries are up for this year, with 30 and 24 entries respectively for the Irish Sport Horse and Irish Draught studbooks.

Price point

Having a stallion well-prepared for Cavan was flagged by inspection panel member, John Ledingham.

“I think there’s probably more room for pre-training by their handlers. Certainly, 40% of the horses who I saw didn’t show themselves off to their full ability, because they didn’t have the exposure to this. It’s quite daunting for a three-year-old stallion to come in, if he hasn’t been exposed to this kind of environment previously.

“I would also say that nobody brought a stallion here today unless they thought he was worth bringing, because that just doesn’t make economic or good sense. Nobody would put themselves through the disappointment of not having their stallion approved, so they must have had hope or the belief that their stallion was good enough.”

Since those early years, the standard of production and presentation has noticeably improved, albeit at a cost. Interestingly, the average inspections costs were put at €1,200 in 2011.

In-house preparation can scale back the bill. However, for some owners, this estimate had increased to €3,000 when vetting, professional production costs and feed costs were factored in.

In the 2023 Cavan inspections report, one Irish Draught stallion owner had totted up his costs as €3,780.

Sales at host venue Cavan have also been a litmus test for the tenacity of Draught breeders. Celtic Tiger boom years saw record prices for Irish Draughts, followed by a market crash and gradual increase in prices for better stock, particularly performance Draughts.

While sport horse stallions are often measured by their performance offspring, what an Irish Draught stallion contributes to the foundation breed is a different method of weighing up his worth.

The late Ellen Walton (left) was a frequent visitor to the Cavan inspections and Dublin Horse Show, pictured with Cappa Stud’s Edel and Jimmy Quinn and Cheryl Anderson, IDHS (Canada), another Cavan attendee \ Susan Finnerty

A breed or a type?

The ‘Should Irish Draughts be expected to jump at inspections?’ debate continues to run, although the demand for a good-looking Irish Draught gelding that can jump continues to drive this market.

The popularity of jumping lines, such as Clover Hill and King of Diamonds - incidentally, neither were pure-bred Draughts - led to a predominance of these commercial bloodlines in Draughts.

Although the 10 pedigree bonus marks, previously awarded at the Cavan inspections for outcross lines, have since been discontinued, reference to the fact that a stallion was not directly related to Clover Hill, King of Diamonds and Pride of Shaunlara have been made during the inspectors’ summary of Draught candidates.

Irish Draught performance stallions can be approved too for the Irish Sport Horse Studbook. For example, the Filan Bros’ Carlton Hill, Ian Smyth’s Clooneen Clover and Padraig Clarke’s Mackney Hill were added back in 2011, as was Ciaran Moriarty’s Black Dancer in 2022.

All four were classified as Class 2 (veterinary sound, did not meet breed requirements) within the Irish Draught studbook.

Last year, Michael and Chris Mannion’s Class 1 stallion WGS Irish Rajah was also approved for the ISH studbook.

‘Temperament’ and ‘type’ are two more Draught traits sought by the leisure and breed purist customers.

Whether the Irish Draught is a pure breed or type is another long-running debate. Types within any breed are common. Phenotypes and traits of several breeds, introduced throughout the breed’s history, are evident within the stallions at inspections; from Norman cobs, the Iberian influence of Lusitanos and Andulasians, the pony brain and nimbleness of the Connemara, the coarser legacy of Clydesdales introduced during the ‘compulsory tillage era’ and the thoroughbred’s dash of quality and movement.

Mean kinship is the new term for genetic diversity - the lower the percentage rate, the rarer a bloodline and a strong indication of an outcross line possibility.

The late John Gilboy, from Boyle, pictured at the 2019 HSI inspections at Cavan with successful owner Tom Burke, his nephew Tommy and the home-bred Castlegar Cool Grove (Castlegar Fin Grove - Coolagh Mist) \ Susan Finnerty

Next generation

Certain stallion lines tend to beget the next line of sires. We’ve seen a number of the earlier Class 1 stallions produce a next generation approved sire.

Which stallions have produced two or more Class 1 sons at Cavan? Arthurs Gold (Cloneyhea Paddy, Cloneyhea Spellbound), Cappa Cassanova (Cappa Capone and Cappa Sarsfield), Carrabawn Cross (Bawnbally Diamond, Greenhall Supersonic, Moylough Legacy and Moylough Supremacy), Carrickrock Close Shave (Carrickcottage Star and Castlegar Rock), Castlegar Fin Grove (Castlegar Cool Grove, Castlegar Coolough and Hollypark Diamond), Coolcronan Wood (Crystal Crest, Dunsandle Diamond and Kiltealy Silver), Crannagh Hero (Baltydaniel Romeo, Kilmovee White Hero and The Swarty Hero), Crosstown Dancer (Killountain Cross, Knockaleery Dancer and Scrapman), Dunsandle Diamond (Dernahatten Vision and Edenagor Star), Fast Silver (Beechmore Silver Crest, Clogheen Captain Jack, Cloncastle Ambassador, Cloncastle Silver Squire, Derrynasagurt Silver, Rosetown Rambler and The Bachelor), Goldsmithcountry Oliver (Carraigstud Callum, Carraigstud Jack), Grange Bouncer (Columcille Diamond Boy and Killinick Bouncer), Grosvenor Lad (Barnaview Grosvenor’s Star and Carrigfada Troy), Inisfree The Holy Grail (Inisfree The Iron Cross and Murrisk The Holy Grail), King Elvis (Clogheen Life Of Reilly, King Elvis I and Tors Gentleman Farmer), Moylough Bouncer (Archie The Great, DS Ballagh Bouncer and Darragh Moylough Vision), Touch of the Blues (Western Blues and Zeus of the Blues) and WRS Sun Rich (Farmhill Highlander, WRS Sun Shine and WRS Sun Rise).

Of this group, Carrabawn Cross (approved in 2011), Castlegar Fin Grove (2014), Dunsandle Diamond (2012), Darragh Moylough Vision (2013) and Inisfree The Holy Grail (2012) are Class 1 graduates at Cavan.

Cavan-approved stallions that have produced Class 1 stallions? These include Castlegar Fin Grove, (by Fintan Himself approved at the inaugural year in 2010),

Dunsandle Diamond, Killountain Cross (sire of Hollyrock Grey Hero - approved in 2023), Millhollow Real Mac Coy (Gweebarras Dream Star - 2020), Moylough Darragh Vision (Espresso Vision - 2023) and Western Blues (WGS Irish Rajah - 2024).

Merits are awarded to Irish Draught stallions for their own or progeny performance or for the showring success of their progeny, an option that has recently earned gold merits for Richard and Martina Murphy’s Inisfree The Holy Grail and Pat Hoare’s Moylough Supremacy.

The West’s awake

Moylough Supremacy (2024) is a dual Cavan graduate and Dublin stallion championship winner. Any others? Cappa Aristocrat (2017, 2019, 2022) was a triple champion. Carrabawn Cross (2016), Edenagor Star (2023), Farmhill Highlander (2024) and Tors Gentleman Farmer (2010) have all won in Ring 1 at the RDS, while Gortfree Lakeside Lad (approved in 2015) is a multiple Irish Draught performance and working hunter Dublin winner.

Moylough Supremacy and his full-brother Moylough Legacy were bred by the late John Gilboy in Boyle. Another mare he bred - the All The Diamonds-sired Coolagh Mist - has produced a stream of Class 1 stallions at Cavan including Castlegar Cool Mist (approved in 2017) and the Castlegar Fin Grove full-brothers: Hollypark Diamond (2018) and Castlegar Cool Grove (2019), plus Castlegar Cool Finn (approved in 2021 at the IDHS(GB) inspections).

Western owners have dominated the Class 1 approvals at Cavan and Tom Burke, on the Galway city outskirts, tops the list. Castlegar Fin Grove (2014) started the winning streak, followed by Castlegar Cool Mist (2017), Castlegar Cool Grove (2019), Castlegar Coolough (2021) and, most recently, Castlegar Rock (2024).

Tom is among the successful Cavan inspections breeders profiled in the Irish Horse World’s Breeders’ 10 series and this post-inspection theme will continue throughout the spring, alongside the 2025 inspections’ reports.



GBBS International’s Abba Van De Vrombautshoeve Z (ZANG) by Asca Z x Calato Z. Breeder: Stal Boelens

Gary Jackson’s Aristoteles V (KWPN). Padinus x Lux Z. Breeder: G.H.S Vullers.

GBBS International’s BP Bon Jovi (PSF). Nirvana V x Tresor. Breeder: Sophie Maurocordato.

Anne Coyne’s Briarhill Luibay (ISH). Kings Cornet x Luidam. Breeder: Applicant.

Susan Malee’s Carrabeg The Full Irish (ISH [TIH]). Ardcolum Duke (ISH)[TIH] x Flexible. Breeder: Applicant.

GBBS International & Joris De Brabender/Stal de Muze’s Dorlino Prinseveld DSC (BWP). Orchid’s Bolero (NFP) x Fantomas de Muze (BWP). Breeder: NV Stal Prinseveld.

Kylemore Stud & Steven Whitaker’s Double Pleasure (BE/SIES). Follow Me x Quidam de Revel. Breeder: Steven Whitaker.

GBBS International’s Eros Van Het Lindenhof Z (ZANG). Ermitage Kalone x Chellano Alpha Z. Breeder: Luc van de Vijver.

Alan Reilly’s Golden Heights (ISH). Imperial Hights x Clarebawn Sunshine Diamond (ISH). Breeder: Applicant.

Declan McMahon’s Golden Or (TB). Anjaal x Dutch Art (TB). Breeder: Springwell Stud.

Hadley Sport Horses’ HSH Harper Du Seigneur (ISH). Aganix Du Seigneur x Chippison. Breeder: Applicant.

Avalon Sport Horses’ HZ Trojan (ISH). Grandorado x Furioso II. Breeder: Avalon Sport Horses.

GBBS International & Joris De Brabender/Stal de Muze’s Jericho De Hus (SF). Emerald Van’t Ruytershof x Levistan. Breeder: Joris De Brabender.

Equine Evolve’s Jeux d’Enfant Au Pena (PSF). Tricky Choice Du Pena x Kannan. Breeder: Sebastien Maillet.

Kayleigh Soden’s Leggettsrath Carbon Copy (ISH). Comme Il Faut x Echo Van’t Spieveld. Breeder: Applicant.

Annemarie Pender’s Madgeslane Deise Vu (WSI). Chacoon Blue x Emerald Van’t Ruytershof. Breeder: Deise Sporthorses.

Etter Sporthorses’ MC Spencer B (ISH). SIEC Livello x Mr Lincoln B. Breeder: Applicant.

John Varley’s Mevano Z7 (KWPN). Grandorado (KWPN) x Indoctro. Breeder: J A Bouwhuizen.

Michael & Tom Brennan’s MHS Magical (ISH). Cornet Obolensky x Cavalier Royale. Breeder: Applicant.

Luiz Francisco de Azevedo’s My Way (OS). Mylord Carthago (SF) x Cassini I. Breeder: Otto Boje Schoof.

David Masterson’s Newhaven Theodore (ISP). Gwilymparc Prince Of Wales x Knockilla Goldengrove Black Beauty. Breeder: Jerry & Catherine Fitzgerald.

John Mulconroy’s OTG Crosstown Chancer (ISH [TIH]). Crosstown Dancer x Rylands Sea Master. Breeder: Applicant.

Hadley Sport Horses’ Phenomene Bleu VDM (BWP). Diamant de Semilly x Nabab de Reve. Breeder: Familie Bruggemand.

Liam O’Meara’s Sir Jim Jim (ISH [TIH]). Boherdeal Clover x Errigal Flight. Breeder: Applicant.

GBBS International & Joris De Brabender’s Troubadour RBDJ (NFP). Kinou des Marronniers (NFP) x Eikenhorst’s Manfred (NFP). Breeder: Stal Geurts.

Hans Jürgen Kuehnle’s Tullibards Lux Likea Benny (ISH). Tullibards Bennys Legacy x Lux Z. Breeder: Applicant.

GBBS International’s Ulrik Van’t Merelsnest (BWP). Emerald van’t Ruytershof x Kannan. Breeder: Stoeterij’t Merelsnest BVBA.

GBBS International & Ludo Phillipaerts’ Vedet V/H Vijverbos (BWP). Extra (KWPN) x Thunder van de Zuuthoeve. Breeder: Guido Vanhumbeeck.

GBBS International & Joris De Brabander/Stal de Muze’s Verbier de Muze (BWP). Carthago (HOLST) x Heartbreaker. Breeder: Joris De Brabender.

GBBS International’s Vicento V (BWP). Corydon Van T&L x Cash. Breeder: Leo Vermeiren.


Tony Downey’s Abbeyward Zero. Scrapman x Attwood Black Laughton. Breeder: Tom Daly.

Janice Reddy’s Ardnacashel Monarch. Beechmore Silver Crest x Grey Goose. Breeder: John Joseph Trearty.

Ann Lambert’s Ashfield Bouncer. Killinick Bouncer x Ard Grandpa. Breeder: Greg Conway.

Sophie Meehan’s Balcormo Sir Dun Phoenix. Longwood Dunbelievable x Cloneyhea Spellbound. Breeder: Annette Rohan.

Elizabeth Deane Cogan’s Baltydaniel Arthur. Cork Arthur x Timahoe Heather. Breeder: Applicant.

James Quinn’s Cappa Maximus. Millhollow Stroller x Mountain Diamond. Breeder: Liam McDonagh.

Brendan Glynn’s Cloonan Quizzer. Clew Bay Bouncer x Cappa Cochise. Breeder: Tom Fitzgerald.

Tommy Butler’s Coolfin Gentleman. Tors Gentleman Farmer x Balcormo Sir Rocco. Breeder: Applicant.

Michael & Chris Mannion’s Coom View Highlander. Farmhill Highlander x Fast Silver. Breeder: Shane Connolly.

Dermot Molloy’s Derreen Heigh Ho. Heigh Ho Dubh x Castana. Breeder: Michael Healy.

Orla Atkinson’s Ellistown Loughie. Moylough Legacy x Fast Silver. Breeder: Peter McLoughlin.

James McMahon’s Firies Lad. Sheans Clover Boy x Coopers Hill. Breeder: Padraig Kennelly.

Gabriel Slattery Jnr’s Fuerty Welcome Lad. Gortfree Lakeside Hero x Welcome Emperor. Breeder: Maeve Bailey.

Enda Hamill & Charmaine Kee’s Gweebarra Creed. Millhollow Real Mac Coy x Blue Rajah. Breeder: Enda Hamill.

Seamus Duffy’s Kilmovee White Lion. Lionwood Kinsales Lad x Moylough Bouncer. Breeder: Applicant.

Roger Joyce’s Knockillaree Glann Hero. Clonakilty Hero x Holycross. Breeder: Eamonn King.

John Minogue’s Lackaghmore Blues. Zeus Of The Blues x Creggan Emperor. Breeder: John P O’Shaughnessy.

Brian Fox’s Liosderg Golden Lad. Liosderg Silver Pride x Balcormo Sir Duncan. Breeder: John P Finnegan.

Sean Hoare’s Moylough Hero. Moylough Legacy x Tors Gentleman Farmer. Breeder: Patrick Murphy.

John Niland’s Rhynn Blackie Go Lucky. Touch Of The Emperor x Carrabawn Cross. Breeder: Chris Mannion.

Wayne Chapman’s Thebann. Gortfree Lakeside Lad x Its The Quiet Man. Breeder: Applicant.

Robbie Caraher’s The Great Gateau. Sonrise Genesis x Castana. Breeder: BT & T Lynch.

Sophie Meehan’s Longwood Sandyman. Longwood Dunbelievable x Gortfree Hero. Breeder: John Foran.

Cathal Shine’s WRS The Black Cigar. WRS Baby Guinness x Prescotts Diamond. Breeder: John O’Dwyer.