LAST Wednesday week, January 15th, the Northern Region of Eventing Ireland held their Annual General Meeting at Gourley’s in Ballygowan, Co Down.
As always, the evening was well-supported by both members and friends, including some who had been at the amateur and grassroots seminar at the Meadows Equestrian Centre the previous evening.
Regional Event Organiser Dora Beacom flew in from Spain to attend both events and then, early on Friday morning, hopped on a plane back to her winter retreat to start preparing for the annual two-phase event which, this year, takes place over two days at Tyrella (March 8th and 9th).
Regional Chairman Georgia Stubington welcomed everyone to the AGM, after which the official business commenced with the acceptance of the 2023 minutes. Treasurer John McBride then presented the financial report for 2024.
Unfortunately, a loss was made and, whilst not a substantial amount, John reminded members of the need to support their regional events and any fundraising initiatives. He also requested that anyone who had an idea or contact for sponsors should chat to a committee member, who will be able to initiate contact.
Stubington then gave her Chairman’s address, thanking all present for taking the time to attend and welcoming some new faces to the eventing family.
After a review of the 2024 events, Georgia paid tribute to those lost over the last 12 months, in particular Rosemary Lowry, Richard Tolerton and Ronnie Duke - all great supporters of equestrian sport but, in particular, Eventing Ireland. She also pointed out that 2024 had been the Northern Region’s 60th anniversary year, a landmark everyone managed to miss in the excitement of it being an Olympic year.
Weather woes
Unfortunately, 2024 was also one of the worst seasons for the cancellation of events, thanks to one of the wettest spring/summers on record. There were cancellations at Tyrella, Hazeldene, Glenpatrick, Finvoy and Vesey Lodge and Georgia thanked these landowners for their endeavours, which were sadly thwarted by the weather.
The Napier family at Hazeldene agreed to host two additional events at very short notice, which gave members vital opportunities to collect those all-important qualifications.
The Chairman thanked all landowners and their families for their hard work and unending loyalty, which allowed the NR to run 10 fantastic events in 2024 and the Committee looks forward to working with them all again this year.
She also paid tribute to the region’s main sponsors in 2024, namely Baileys Horse Feeds, Demlay Equestrian, Glenpatrick Horseboxes, Horse First, Kim Constable and Sporting Images NI.
It takes hundreds of volunteers to enable events to run and Georgia thanked all the volunteers, stewards and officials, who give freely of their time each week to help out at NR events. As they have decided to step down in 2025, Georgia also thanked Carole Young and Vina Buller for their many years’ service on the NR Committee.
Nicky Nesbitt and David Lowry were also retiring from the committee but, eligible for re-election, were duly re-elected with Barbara Dixon proposing and Elizabeth Hamilton seconding. There were no new nominations to the committee. The floor was opened for Any Other Business.
At the conclusion of official business, the annual committee awards were presented apart, that is, from the John Martin Award (someone who contributes to the advancement and promotion of our sport), which had been presented to Joanne Jarden the previous evening at The Meadows.
Caroline Keatley presented the Pooler Trophy (for international performance) to Callie Berry on behalf of her daughter Susie, who has now won this award for three years running, while Georgia Stubington presented the Stinson Award (someone who contributes to the sport by effort, endeavour and example) to the Napier family of Hazeldene.
Unfortunately, neither Catherine Crawford nor Raymond Cullen, joint winners of the special recognition award for unpaid volunteers who go above and beyond the call of duty, were able to attend the AGM, so the trophy will be presented to them at a later date.
The Northern Region office bearers for 2025 are as follows: Georgia Stubington (Chairman), Jean Mitchell MBE (Vice Chairman), Dora Beacom (Event Organiser), Catherine McDowell (Honorary Secretary), John McBride (Treasurer) and Jonathan Steele (Riders’ Representative). The Committee members are Ronnie Beggs, Denis Currie, Elizabeth Hamilton, David Lowry, Nicky Nesbitt, Lawrence Patterson and Stuart Stirling.