EQUESTRIAN and riding clubs have been encouraged to join the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (DLR) Sports Partnership after equestrian sport was added to the new Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Sport and Physical Activity Plan, which was passed in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council meeting this week.
Cllr Pierce Dargan, a Fine Gael councillor in Glencullen, Sandyford, praised the plan after his amendment to add equestrian sport, which had not been included in the original draft of the plan, was included in the final plan that was passed.
Equestrian and riding clubs will be able to and are encouraged to register with the DLR Sports Partnership. Equestrian clubs will be eligible to apply for their different DLR Sports Partnership grants that range from women in sport participation initiatives, disability inclusion participation programmes and club volunteer training and development programmes.
Shane McCardle, the sports coordinator at DLR Sports Partnership at the Dún Laoghaire - Rathdown County Council meeting said: “Equestrian sport has been hugely valuable to the county and thank you Cllr Dargan for pointing out that it wasn’t included in the A-Z of sports…they (equestrian clubs) do a huge amount of work for those with disabilities and, hopefully, we (the DLR Sports Partnership) can link in on that more in the future.”
Extremely happy
Cllr Pierce Dargan said: “I was extremely happy to see equestrian sport added after my request to the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Sport and Physical Activity Plan. Equestrian sport has played such a hugely positive role in keeping people of all ages active in sport in our county. In certain areas, such as our area of Glencullen – Sandyford, equestrian sport has taken so many different forms, whether it’s equine therapy for those with additional needs, pony trekking, racing, eventing, show jumping or other equestrian sports.
“Its popularity underscores Ireland’s international reputation as a world leader in equestrian pursuits and, therefore, had to be included in the DLR Local Sports plan. I would please ask all equestrian and riding clubs to register with the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Sport partnership, as they would be happy to help support the great equestrian clubs in our county.”