AGE 8: The son of Bert and Geraldine Allen, Bertram takes his first riding lessons at a riding school in Wexford. Takes part in his first gymkhanas around Clonroche and Gorey.

AGE 9-10: Starts on the pony circuit with his pony Magic Shadow (who is living out retirement with the Allens). Is first pictured in The Irish Field files jumping Magic Shadow in 2005, aged 10.

AGE 12: Wins a 128cms Grand Prix with Magic Shadow at Cavan EC in October, 2007.

AGE 12-13: Progresses to 13.2 and 14.2hh ponies.

AGE 13: Racks up a one-two win in the Northern Ireland International Horse Show 138cms National Championships with Scarletts Billy The Kid and runner-up Lough Gill, October 2008, in the Odyssey Arena.

AGE 14: Wins the RDS 138cms Championships on Lough Gill, August 2009.

AGE 15: July 2010. Wins individual European Gold Medal and Team Silver (with Acapello Z) at the European Pony Championships in Bishop Burton. Celebrates his 15th birthday at this event.

AGE 15: Returns home as Pony European Champion to win the 148cms RDS Championships with Cassandra Van Het Roelhof in August 2010.

AGE 15: April 2011. Wins Grand Prix at Moorsele with Cassandra Van Het Roelhof.

AGE 15-16: April to October 2011. Part of Ireland’s all-conquering Pony Nations Cup team that swept all before them in every Nations Cup competition they contested in this period.

AGE 16: October 2011. Wins the Swiss Pony Grand Prix at Chevenez with Cassandra Van Het Roelhof.

AGE 16: Moves to Jessica Kurten’s former yard at Hunxe, Rhineland, Germany. Begins to train with former World No 1 Germany’s Marcus Ehning.

AGE 16: February 2012. Receives The Irish Field Junior Show Jumper of the Year Award

AGE 17-18: Wins major classes on Molly Malone V at Barcelona; Gijon; Leszno; Lyon; Millstreet and Paris in 2013.

AGE 18: Receives the Gain/Irish Field Star of the Year Award in February 2014.

AGE 19: Jumps on his first Aga Khan Nations Cup for Ireland at the RDS on Molly Malone V, August 2014.

AGE 19: Wins his first Longines Grand Prix of Dublin CSI*****, Ireland in August 2014 on Molly Malone V.

AGE 19: Part of Ireland’s World Equestrian Games team in Normandy, France in September 2014.

AGE 19: Sets a new world record with his second consecutive gold medal win at Lanaken with Barnike in September 2014.

AGE 19: Wins his first World Cup qualifier at Verona CSI*****, Italy, in November 2014 on Molly Malone V. Also wins 1.50m class with Belmonde.

AGE 19: Awarded Show Jumping Ireland’s International Rider of the Year prize December 2014.

AGE 19:Wins two big classes at London Olympia Christmas Show 2014.

AGE 19: December 22nd 2014. Named as Irish Independent Young Sports Star of the Year award.