FINGAL County Council reiterated its support for equestrianism at the inaugural Fingal Sports Awards held recently in the Carlton Hotel, Blanchardstown, where, among those in attendance, were the Mayor of Fingal, Councillor Brian McDonagh, AnnMarie Farrelly, Chief Executive of Fingal County Council and Councillor Tom Kitt, Chairperson of the Fingal Sports Partnership.

The last-named emphasised the importance of volunteers: “Every week, more than 450,000 people across Ireland volunteer in clubs, providing invaluable opportunities for participation in activities in every community. Here in Fingal, sport would not thrive without the unwavering dedication of volunteers.” One of the recipients of a Volunteer of the Year Award on the night was Geraldine Dempsey, treasurer of Cheval Riding Club.

When nominated, Geraldine, a chartered quantity surveyor, was described as being a major driving force behind the development and growth of the north Co Dublin-based club, which has seen an increased membership in recent years. She has also ensured that the club’s grounds in Jordanstown have become more accessible to the local equestrian community – of all ages and levels – and to other riding clubs in the North East Region of the AIRC.

As well as keeping on top of Cheval’s day-to-day finances and event organisation, mother of two Ger, along with Nuala Stafford, also dealt with the capital grant applications for the new arena, maintenance shed, harrow/leveller and sets of jumps. The pair also recently submitted a successful application for an irrigation system and sunken well, which are due to be installed this year. Well done Geraldine!