I WOULD like to congratulate the members of the Irish pony show jumping team for the European Championships for Ponies 2024; James Derwin, Lily Tunney, Senan Reape, Ruben Foley, Jack Kent and the reserves Lauren Adams and Annie Boland.
They all had to work hard to get their places, out of over 30 riders who competed for a team place. I especially mention James Derwin, who joins an elite group of riders who have been an Irish pony team member for four years – as far as I know, the only other pony rider to achieve this outstanding accolade is Jessica Burke. Good wishes to the young riders, juniors and children on horses teams in their European championships; all very strong teams, with most of the young rider and junior team members having previously won European pony team gold medals.
Good luck to all teams and to their chefs d’equipe, Gary Marshall and James Kernan.
Yours, etc,
Keith M Griffin
Barrogstown, Maynooth, Co Kildare