CLARE rider Eoin McMahon will shortly take up a new job with up and coming young German rider Andreas Kreuzer. McMahon (21) has spent the last number of years successfully working and riding for Carl Hanley’s yard in Germany.
“I’ll be riding some of the older horses with Andreas. He has two very good owners who have got him a place on the Global Champions Tour. It’s a good opportunity for me, a bit of a step up,” McMahon told The Irish Field.
Earlier this year he injured his neck in a fall and is currently undergoing treatment. “I’ve had a few problems with my neck and while I’m okay, I need to get it sorted out. It’s nothing too serious. I’m getting a number of injections, tomorrow (Friday) is my last day of that and then I’ll be taking it easy for a few weeks before starting with Andreas.
“I have really enjoyed my time working with the Hanleys, Carl and his wife are like second parents to me. They are great friends.
“I wish them all the very best and thank them for everything. I expect to start with Andreas before Christmas,” added Eoin.
Kreuzer (26) was named German jumping champion in June this year. He was previously named Best Young Rider at the 2011 European Junior Championships in Comporta, Portugal.
Trained by German national coach Otto Becker, the rider also trained with top German rider Ludger Beerbaum.