THERE was much concern among the operators of some equestrian centres last week over moves within Showjumping Ireland to amend rules which affected centre operators felt would lead to income losses and possibly even job losses should it go ahead.
It had been proposed by SJI not to allow affiliated league shows run in equestrian centres during the key summer months to prevent possible clashes of dates with agricultural and gymkhana shows.
Following the concerns raised by the equestrian centres to SJI, it was decided that league shows can run during the summer but must stand down for the weekend if there is a clash with a standalone show in its region.
Operators of the equestrian centres in question were asked to send a letter to Showjumping Ireland outlining their concerns ahead of an SJI Management and Finance meeting.
One source from one of the equestrian centres affected commented, “It was complete madness, and not alone would it cause financial loss to centres, but it would also result in a substantial amount of levies being lost to the Showjumping Association.”
Another added: “In the Leinster region alone, it would amount to €200,000. It could also have forced the centres to run unaffiliated in a bid to keep their customer base happy.”
Another centre’s spokesperson said they were dismayed at the lack of communication between the centres and the organisation.
“Surely if this was to be a new rule that would affect our business, that they would have discussed it with us. Instead they asked us to stress our case to stop it coming into force. There was absolutely no communication, we were told after the fact.”
In a letter seen by The Irish Field, a spokesperson for one centre laid down their concerns, stating “should this come into existence, we would have to look at alternative arrangements to maintain income and jobs.”
The person stressed that, it is their “preference to continue with current arrangements, however if circumstances should change, that we would have no option but to examine how we maintain our income.”
Last Thursday, centres in the Leinster region were sent the following notice: “As you are aware, National Competitions had decided in the interest of Agricultural and Gymkhana shows running during May, June, July, and August, it was suggested to stop League Shows running in Equestrian Centres during those months.
“The Leinster Region committee had opposed this decision strongly. A memo was sent to the Executive Committee on Tuesday, October 16th for further discussion on this matter, and it was decided to leave the Leagues to run as they have been, but if a Gymkhanas or Agricultural show clash with a League show, then the League show must stand down for that day.”
One centre’s spokesperon told how after receiving the notice, that they are “more confused than they were last week”, and that “clarification needs to be given as well as a criterion and to the catchment area of the shows.”
As far as they were concerned, centres were careful not to run against a local agriculture show.
If there has been a change, they said they needed more information as to how this will affect them. The question was also asked, what happens if a stand-alone show is included on the calendar after league dates had been authorised?
Asked to clarify this matter, Showjumping Ireland issued a statement saying: “This was discussed at the last Management & Finance and Executive Committee meetings, there was a proposal to amend the existing rule at both meetings, however, after discussion, it was agreed that Rule 62A of the ‘Rules for Authorisation of Shows 2018’ should remain the same with the following addendum.
“Rule 62A – If a league show is clashing with a standalone show in its region, the centre running the league must stand down on that weekend. This league rule will be implemented at the discretion of the Regional Secretary from the 1st May to 31st August only.”