HORSE Sport Ireland (HSI) has issued 327 foal passports in the last four weeks. This is despite promising to issue more than double this figure in the two weeks following October 4th. Of the 5,630 applications for foal passports made via the new HorseSource system since July, 927 (16%) have been issued.

When asked how many passports will be issued per month going forward, HSI said: “DNA samples for 915 applications came back in recent days, and all these passports should be posted within the next one to two weeks. So that’s 915 passports going out in a two-week period, and the aim is to process similar numbers over similar timelines as we go forward, depending on the receipt of DNA samples back from the laboratory.”

So far this year, HSI has processed a total of 2,316 passports. This includes the 927 aforementioned foal passports issued via HorseSource; a further 450 passports were issued earlier this year under the old paper-based system, and 939 change of ownership passports (see a full breakdown in the table).

Huge uptake

In a statement released to The Irish Fieldon Friday, HSI said HorseSource has “in part been a victim of its own success, in terms of the hugely rapid adoption rates by users”, adding that they had expected that only 30% of breeders would avail of the new system during it’s first year of operation.

“In retrospect, based on what had happened with other online systems, we significantly underestimated the number of breeders that would migrate instantly to HorseSource,” said HSI CEO Denis Duggan. “While breeders are to be commended for moving to the new system in such huge numbers, this has had an impact on the operation of HorseSource.”

This is, however, contradictory to what Duggan said in July when, in this paper, he encouraged “everyone to do the online application”. HSI declined to respond to a direct question on this matter.

HSI also said that breeders were much quicker to return marking charts this year – reducing from an average of 134 days in previous years, to 32 days in 2024, according to their data. “Breeders are returning marking charts and DNA samples four times faster this year than in previous years, which has been a fundamental change in behaviour,” Duggan said. He added that this, coupled with the “unexpectedly high take up of HorseSource” and the initial backlog caused by the changeover has “slowed the process, for which we sincerely apologise”.

“Had charts and samples been returned in the same manner as all previous years, the system would have had a steady flow of applications working through the process rather than a huge surge,” Duggan added. HSI acknowldeged that the ‘pause’ it placed on the old passport system, while it migrated its database to HorseSource, was also a factor in the surge.

Stallion covering certs

Separately, HSI confirmed that it will issue a passport without a stallion covering cert. “HSI encourages all breeders to use the online cover cert upload feature on Where we have not been provided with a cover cert, and where the foal’s pedigree is verified by DNA testing, in keeping with both the EU legislation and existing HSI policy, a passport can be issued without the cover cert to prevent the owner being in breach of animal identification legislation.”

With regard to issues with missing classifications on Irish Draught passports reported here last week, HSI said: “A small number of passports that have been issued to the breeders of Irish Draught horses were incorrectly printed without full classification details. HSI is aware of the issue and has contacted the impacted breeders. Breeders can either return their passport for updating or, if they wish, wait until the time of sale and the updated details will be automatically included when the passport is returned to HSI by the buyer for a change of ownership.”

Foal Passports under HorseSource System Number

Total applications received 5,630

Number of foal kits not yet returned 1,485

Number of DNA samples with laboratory 1,026

DNA samples to be sent to laboratory 500

Applications not requiring DNA & in process 777

Samples returned to be quality checked 915

Total passports issued 927