THE recent National Equine Welfare Council (NEWC) survey on equestrians and the cost of living was a rather depressing read. More than 6,0000 horse owners from Ireland and Britain completed the survey and the results published detailed that 81% of those who took part were concerned about the continuing pressure of rising costs. 39% admitted that the cost-of-living crisis was having significant impact on their ability to keep their horses and they had to make ‘additional sacrifices’ to provide basic care.

20% of horse owners had taken on another job or increased hours to help pay for their horses’ care. 2% of respondents said they were considering giving up their horse to a charity and 5% were considering euthanising their horse because of the crisis. As the cost of living goes up, experts such as Blue Cross and the British Horse Society have shared their advice on cutting costs without cutting welfare. There is help out there if you need it.