THIS year saw the new Glenway Riding Club take on the role of host for the second of the Western Region Qualifiers. Based in Glenamaddy, the competition hosted six qualifying classes all kindly sponsored by JFC, the young horse class kindly sponsored by Unstabled the Horse Podcast, five open classes sponsored by Kate Murray at Equine Reproduction, two best turned-out prizes kindly sponsored by Horse First and the all-important Team Qualifer sponsored by Connolly’s Red Mills.

With two arenas in the large outdoor, the day kicked off at 10.30, with the sun shinning - you could not have asked for better conditions.

Aimi Partrick-Winstanley, Secretary of Glenway, said: “We really enjoyed the day and we really hope we get the opportunity to hold more qualifiers in the future, everyone rode their socks off.”

Qualifying riders on the day were: RCP1 - Renee Patience, Nephin; RCP2 - Ruth Carey, Daleys Grove, Juliet Mclaughli Burren, and Siobhan Garrett Cooney, Burren; RCP3 - Sarah Keane, Galway West, Kate Noone, Tynagh, and Sarah Harvey Westport; RCN - Elaine Kinsella, Benbulben, Emma O’Connor, Benbulben and Ita Walsh Tynagh; RCE - Kate Solon, Greenhills; RCM - Melanie King, Corrib; Young Horse - Chloe Hester, Glenway and Anna Suess.

With six teams coming forward for the Teams Qualifier, it was Westport that claimed the all-important qualifying ticket so, a massive well done goes to the team Sophie Gunderson, Sarah Harvey, Susan Wilson and Shauna O’Malley

The Horse First Best Turned Out prizes went to Chloe Hester and Melanie King.

The club gave a big thank you to all competitors, judges and scribes and scorers on the day, to Glenamaddy Equestrian, their sponsors and of course their fellow riding clubs who made it a great competition.