POST-CAREER options have been much debated recently; but it all starts with breeding – random or planned, indiscriminate or purposeful? Ireland has long been respected as a source of soundly bred, versatile but fit-for-purpose horses. These have served us well at home in many and varied roles. They have also proved a lucrative export trade to our nearest neighbour and further afield. But Brexit and Covid-19 have caused bumps in the road and blips in the market. And increasing scrutiny of perceived ‘wastage’ means we must be ever more mindful that our breeding programmes are targeted.

Ireland-Inc. rightly prides itself on the quality we’ve produced ‘at the top end’ of the market, elite racehorses for example; proud that we are a source of capable, all-rounders showing that infamous ‘extra leg’ crossing trappy country. But we must guard against producing a glut with average ability. These horses get one chance at a career: when they fall short these animals can become the no-longer-wanted horses that fall into neglect. We must work not to create a pool of unfit, unwanted cast-offs. It all starts with better breeding.