STORM ASHLEY raged its way across the counties last weekend and the rain lashed down here in Co Fermanagh. Whether it’s a wet field, damp bark paddock or a flooded stable you have, here Horse Sense shares some helpful tips and reminders for keeping your horse’s feet healthy this rainy season.

  • Trim hooves regularly, every four to six weeks or on the advice of your farrier.
  • Check the horse’s shoes daily for any looseness or protruding or missing nails. If possible, avoid turning out a horse into any pasture or paddock with thick, deep mud.
  • Keep stall bedding clean and dry to prevent any infections. Dry bedding will absorb water, wicking it away from the horse’s feet.
  • Inspect each foot daily, checking for any odour, pain, swelling or discharge. If any of these conditions persist, consult a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Dry off the hooves after work with a towel or under a solarium.

  • Apply liberal coatings of hoof oil or farrier-recommended product to the undersurface of the hoof and the hoof wall around the edge of the shoe. This will provide a protective oil barrier against excessive moisture
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  • Sponge off the horse’s legs and feet to remove mud, dirt and debris, rather than using a hose that would force the animal to be standing in mud during grooming.
  • Take steps to improve drainage in paddocks and fields, avoid using flooded areas until they have sufficiently dried out.
  • By providing proper hoof care even in the wettest conditions, you can help support your horse’s soundness and hoof health.