THE special three-race Corinthian Challengers series is open to amateurs who want to fundraise for Irish Injured Jockeys in a unique way while enjoying the experience of a lifetime, getting the chance to embrace what it is like to be a jockey riding at some of Ireland’s best tracks.

With 14 riders taking part in this year’s challenge, each rider cites a different reason for their participation, for some, it simply offers the chance to experience the life of a professional jockey and the thrill of riding on the track.

For most participants, the reasons are personal, many challengers have close connections to the industry and with those who have benefitted from the charity over the years and want to give something back.

The colourful mix of participants hail from Armagh to Kerry with interesting day jobs from insurance to engineering and even a member of An Garda Síochána taking part, every rider brings with them a unique story to tell which we have had the chance to read over the past couple of months.

Congratulations to Fiona Dowling, Darren Harrison, Michelle O’Brien, Craig Kileff, Emer Lawlor, Laura Bennett, Dean Ryan, Stan Begley, Marie Vallet, Jane Davis, Neil Durkan, Joan Tyner, Laura Burnett and Peter O’Reilly for your commitment has been truly remarkable and unwavering throughout the series, you are all winners!

It is a competition though and there can be only one champion. The series is run on an accumulation of points model. Each race allocates points to the first four home, with 10 points for a winner, seven points for second place, five points for third position and three points for fourth.

With two races in the bag and only one remaining on Saturday at Leopardstown we will finally crown the overall series Corinthian Challenge Champion.

Neck and neck

As we approach the final furlong the competition remains too close to call. Stan Begley and Jane Davis are neck and neck with 13 points and hot on their heels is Darren Harrison with 12 points. Fiona Dowling is on seven points and Laura Bennett is on five points so in fact, any of them could win it outright!

Ruby Walsh, Irish Injured Jockeys Chairman said: “The Corinthian Challenge is Irish Injured Jockeys major annual fundraising event and we are so grateful to all of those who are taking part.

“It is a major commitment and the funds they raise are vital to our charity and all that we do here. All of us at Irish Injured Jockeys would like to wish the challengers the very best ahead of their final race. We can’t wait to see how the race itself goes and who will be this year’s overall Corinthian Challenge Champion.”

For the 14 Corinthian challengers, we are in the final strides of the challenge and fundraising is still underway, it is not too late to show your support, visit

For further information about the series and how to sign up for this challenge of a lifetime in 2023 visit and follow Irish Injured Jockeys on their social media channels.