GODOLPHIN Flying Start offers an outstanding opportunity to ambitious young people working in the thoroughbred industry who wish to further their education and pursue a successful career in the industry. It is a two-year full-time international management and leadership training programme accredited by University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Business School. Founded in 2003 by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum of Dubai, 12 candidates are selected annually to receive the scholarship which includes course fees, accommodation, transport, health insurance and a monthly allowance. The trainees experience hands-on horsemanship, racing, sales and university modules in Ireland, UK, America, Australia and Dubai over the course of two years.
A typical week for a Flying Start trainee would include lectures from industry professionals, practical skills development, visits to top-class studs and training facilities, attending major sales and race meetings and partaking in personal development workshops to enhance leadership and management skills. There are regular deadlines for individual and team tasks and assignments.
If you are an enthusiastic individual who has had experience in the thoroughbred industry and wishes to further your education and expand your network, I would encourage you to apply.
Applications for the course beginning in August 2022 close on February 7th. Applications can be made through our website www.godolphinflyingstart.com. If anyone would like any additional information our contact details and those of current trainees are on the website also. You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram, or listen to the trainees monthly podcasts on the website. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.