THERE is no doubting the potential reseeded swards can deliver in terms of growing higher volumes of grass, sustaining elevated levels of animal performance and providing an opportunity to make better quality winter forage. Reseeding represents a significant cost, ranging up to €380/acre on average (depending on the method used), but these costs can be quickly covered if the benefits mentioned above are capitalised on.

This can only be achieved by putting plans in place that ensure the success of the reseed. The first question you need to ask yourself is: will the farm benefit from the reseed?

Reseeded swards perform best when managed for high output. If the farm’s stocking rate is low and the additional grass grown will not be utilised or the reseed will not be managed in a manner that enhances its longevity, then you may need to reconsider your options.

Soil fertility

For some farmers and horse owners operating at low stocking rates, rectifying soil fertility issues may deliver a sufficient boost in grass growth and may satisfy your needs. Soil fertility should also be high on the agenda where the decision has been made to progress with the reseeding job.

Reseeded swards will not perform anywhere close to their full potential if soil fertility is limiting. The longevity of the sward will also be significantly shortened.

Sward establishment will also suffer where fertility is inadequate with new seedlings poor to establish if soil pH and phosphorus levels are inadequate. The first step in addressing these issues is getting up-to-date soil analysis. Where soil fertility is very poor then this should possibly be the first port of call.

Land reclamation

Many horse owners and farmers who are located on marginal lands, could also benefit from addressing land drainage issues. This should be carried out well in advance of reseeding, particularly if drains need cleaning or land needs to be shored. Where boundary drains are blocked and there are wet areas in the field, time should be left after draining to see if existing shores that may be present start running. This is often the case and it can save significant expense to give time to test an existing drains network. The other topic that should be considered is how best to manage the reseed to get the most out of it. Are access and fencing good enough to allow the area to be rotationally grazed or split if required?

Variety selection

A suitable seed mixture for horses should provide palatable grazing and a good cushion for the horse all year round. Mixtures using some of the less productive grasses will not give the same output as an all-rye grass sward. Clover should not be included in grass seed mixtures for horses. Herbs are often included but are difficult to establish even if fertility is right. The type of seed mixture used will depend on the intended use of the grass.

The Department of Agriculture has one of the most comprehensive evaluation systems for testing the performance of different varieties of grass and clover seed coming on to the market. The full Department recommended list can be found at