WATCHING the many riders at the Dublin Horse Show across all levels we are reminded that rider care is vital to a positive equestrian industry. Rider safety is exactly what Airvest Ltd and Helite UK have at the very heart of what they do. Peter Riley managing director of Airvest Ltd and Helite UK says demand is higher than ever: “We have had good uptake of Airjackets amongst top riders who appear to be taking their personal safety more seriously.

“This is reflected in significant sales growth particularly in show jumping, so our apologies to all who have had to wait for deliveries this summer.”

Riley believes we need to focus particularly on safety education for equestrian yards. “Very few equestrian staff wear the industry standard body protectors due to a lack of all round comfort.

Health and safety

What yard owners should be considering in 2024/5 is how to protect their staff appropriately in order to satisfy appropriate health and safety standards.

“Those owners whose staff are not wearing body protectors are not appropriately protecting their staff and are consequently potentially ‘liable’ for injury claims. Those claims can be significant when compared with issuing modern safety equipment.

“Free trials are available with Helite so that all parties can be satisfied before commitments are made.”