BEFORE you reach for the blower this season to rid the barn of rogue leaves, dropped fodder plus boot and hoof muck, if you have horses in your barn that are troubled by respiratory issues, you may need to implement some changes. Dust can be a real issue for horses with breathing problems and can also cause bother in electrical systems at the yard.

Change the way you clean

When you take a look at your stables or barn, have a think about what you may be doing to inadvertently stir up dust. Try to avoid cleaning stables while your horses are in them, and definitely avoid sweeping your barn aisle with your horses indoors.

Reconsider using a leaf blower to clean a messy barn aisle, this stirs up a lot more dust than sweeping does. If you’ve been using a leaf blower, switch to a brush - it could make a real difference to your horse’s health. Wetting the barn aisle before you sweep can also help.

Could you try some new grooming techniques?

When you’re grooming a number of horses a day in your barn, you’re naturally stirring up a lot of dust. Have you considered using a horse vacuum as a grooming option to reduce the dust in your barn? Even if you can’t vacuum all of the horses, try to vacuum any horses with known respiratory problems.

Dust-free bedding

Perhaps a low dust bedding is best over dusty wood shavings, options include straw, pellets, and paper.

Open windows and doors

Open up any and all windows and doors to create as much ventilation as possible.

You may also want to install overhead fans to help move fresh air into and throughout the barn. Barn-safe, agricultural-grade overhead fans can be an excellent investment in your stable, since they can help to keep horses comfortable in warm weather and improve the air quality of your barn at other times.

Store hay separately

If at all possible, store your winter hay in a separate building. Not only is this better for your horse’s respiratory health, but it also removes a fire hazard. With less hay in your barn, there are also fewer dust and mold spores for your horses to inhale.