Aaron Buckley, who buys approximately 15 calves (typically three weeks old) in a batch from a neighbouring farmer in northwest Cork, said he “will never use another calf milk replacer”.

He added: “It mixes really well and also smells nicer than any other milk replacer I’ve ever used. I’ve always prioritised the trustworthiness of a brand and its protein quality ahead of price. Taking those factors into account, that’s why I originally chose Flourish Calf and it’s why I’ll be sticking with Flourish Calf.”

It’s the best calf milk replacer I’ve ever used

Flourish Calf is an innovative 23% all-dairy milk replacer with 50% skim inclusion, ideal for growing heifers with 23% protein and 19% fat to encourage dry feed intake.

It is also enhanced with a proven package of calf health ingredients, vitamins and minerals.

“Formulating to a minimum 50% skim content means the level of casein in the product is maximised,” said R&D manager of Volac Milk Replacers Ltd Dr Jessica Cooke.

“This promotes good clot formation in the abomasum and improved digestibility to optimise pre-weaned calf performance. Lower skim content products (< 50% skim inclusion) won’t perform similarly."

Flourish Calf is designed to make calves thrive. It contains the optimal protein to energy ratio required by the pre-weaned calf and is formulated to deliver between 48 and 52 grammes of crude protein per Mcal of ME – enough for any calf growth rate target of between 0.5kg and 1.0kg per day.

It also contains a proven blend of vegetable oils to deliver enough energy (from fat and sugar) to fuel optimum growth, while ensuring that the fat content won’t supress starter feed intake, delay weaning or slow the transition off milk replacer, which can negatively impact the development of a calf into an adult animal.

Aaron, who also has a full-time job off-farm, buys his stock safe in the knowledge that, as newborns, they’ve received sufficient colostrum while in the vendor’s care.

“I generally rear between 50 and 60 calves each year,” he said. “I weigh each of the calves once they’re in my yard, introduce them to Flourish Calf and water straight away and provide each calf with 2.5 square metres of straw bedding.

"Since using Flourish Calf, we've seen consistent growth and strong development in our calves. We mix it at 45°C and whisk for 30 seconds to ensure a smooth blend. Feeding 900g of milk solids daily (6L of milk mixed at 150g/L) provides the right balance of nutrition.”

As weaning begins, Aaron uses a weigh-band to monitor each calf’s growth and ensure they are thriving on the milk replacer. Regular tracking helps confirm steady weight gain and a smooth transition to solid feed.

Flourish Calf is enhanced with Progres®, a natural ingredient made from the resin of coniferous trees, which supports gut health and contributes to better animal performance.

Resin acid carry out a dual function in the calf’s intestinal tract: They protect the collagen fibres – the basis of gut wall integrity – from the harmful effects intestinal inflammation. Secondly, these acids support the growth of beneficial microbiota in the intestine.

Boosting a calf’s immune system supports healthier growth and better feed efficiency, ultimately leading to stronger performance and improved profitability.

Research has proven that adding Progres® to milk replacer could also contribute to reducing the level of individual antimicrobial treatments.

Flourish Calf is now available alongside the established whey protein concentrate-based range of ‘Feed for Growth’ pre-weaned calf milk replacers from Volac Milk Replacers Ireland Ltd.

Whatever your calf rearing goals, Feed For Growth is your partner in performance.

For further details, visit feedforgrowth.com.