SHOWJUMPING Ireland finances are well in the black, members attending this week’s robust annual general meeting heard.

Two resolutions put before the floor generated much frank debate with the largest regional group present attending from Connaught.

The wording of Resolution A, which outlined that any SJI member serving on a committee be required to step aside if anyone related to them is taking a legal action against the organisation, will be amended and may either go before an EGM or possibly next year’s AGM.

Resolution B provoked strong debate from the floor and was subsequently defeated. This motion was that only one immediate family member may sit on any regional committee.

Chairman of SJI, Christy Murphy told The Irish Field: “It was great to see over 100 people attend the SJI AGM and the two motions in front of members caused plenty of conversation and debate. It was generally felt by the floor that Resolution A was too broad and the wording needed to be amended so that might go to an EGM or be held over to next year’s AGM either. Resolution B generated robust conversation and was well discussed before being defeated.”

Commenting on the SJI finances, Christy Murphy pointed out that the healthy financial position of the SJI was due in part to the organisation receiving the Covid support payments throughout the pandemic.

SJI income for 2021 was €2,225,067 and expenditure was €1,789,366. That compares to 2020 income of €1,714,199 and expenditure of €1,469, 986. The surplus for the 2021 financial year was €427,285 opposed to €238,912 for 2020.