Ballypatrick horses sold

USA show jumper Paris Sellon purchased two talented nine-year-old mares from Ballypatrick Stables: Greg Broderick’s Olivia de Muze and Max O’Reilly Hyland’s Aconzina PS. The mares were produced most recently by young talent Niamh McEvoy who guided Olivia de Muze to fifth place in the four-star 1.60m Grand Prix at the Sunshine Tour in February. Broderick commented: “We were lucky to have had these two nine-year-old mares in Ballypatrick the last few years. They both developed with us from younger horses up to starting at 1.60m level and we wish their new partner Paris Sellon the very best of luck with them both.”

Hannah Serfass RIP

FIFTEEN-year-old American show jumping rider Hannah Serfass tragically lost her life while competing at the Fox Lea Farm in Venice, Florida, last Saturday. A statement from the United States Equestrian Federation said Hannah was riding Quaxx 2, a 12-year-old Holsteiner gelding, in an equitation class when the horse tripped and suffered a rotational fall. The fall was unrelated to a jumping effort. The horse was uninjured in the accident. From Webester, Florida, Hannah was a talented up-and-coming young rider who trained with Robin Swinderman. The Federation said they will be reviewing the accident thoroughly to learn what we can do to minimize risk and increase safety in equestrian sport. A social media campaign #rideforhannah has been shared widely in the last week.

Two Irish in top 10

THE latest Longines FEI World Rankings show Ireland have two riders in the top 10. Conor Swail dropped three places from fifth to eighth, while Shane Sweetnam went from eighth to 10th. Sweden’s world champion Henrik von Eckermann remains the world number one ahead of Frenchman Julien Epaillard in second spot and USA’s McLain Ward in third.

Badminton underway

BADMINTON Horse Trials got under way on Friday, a day later than usual to work around King Charles’ coronation. Austin O’Connor, the first of just two Irish entries left in the field, scored a personal best of 31.9 with the Irish-bred gelding Colorado Blue (Jaguar Mail x Rock Ring), owned by The Salty Syndicate. Susie Berry and Helen Caton and Gwen Purce’s ISH Ringwood LB (Iroko x Master Imp) also scored 31.9. As we went to press Britain’s Oliver Townend held the lead with the 15-year-old ISH Swallow Springs (Chill Out x Cult Hero). The final jumping phase takes place on Monday and is streamed live on Badminton TV.