BACTERIA in the gut are super heroes! When balanced they help keep your dog healthy. Let the PetVetLab help you by taking the guess work out of gut flora balance. Developed from over 20 years of research, the PetVetLab brings you ProSol, an individual probiotic for your dog – yes, that’s right each probiotic is custom-made for your animal!

We do this by harvesting good bacteria from your dog’s poop sample and formulating a personalised probiotic for each animal. We also store some of your dogs’ healthy bacteria for life at the PetVetLab so if they have a health setback, experience stress or are treated with antibiotics these good bacteria are always available to get a fresh batch of ProSol made to get them back on track fast. We at the PetVetLab work with owners and their vets to ensure a healthy happy life for your dog.

It’s simple and easy. Put a small amount of your dog’s poop in a glove/poop bag, expel air, tie, insert into Ziplock bag, seal and send/drop off to our Johnstown laboratory.

ProSol - a balanced gut a better life. Did you know the Pet Vet Lab can conduct worm testing on the same faecal sample? Get in touch with the Irish Equine Centre to find out more.