THE Irish Pony Club Junior Tetrathlon squad, who will be travelling to Moreton Morrell in England on Wednesday, May 29th, for the two-day Junior International Tetrathlon, will have ponies well prepared for travel and competition thanks to sponsorship by Mervue Laboratories, Cork.

Michael Phillips, representing Mervue, presented those riders in attendance with ‘Start Aid Electrolytes’ and ‘Recoboost Recovery Aid’ for their ponies at the Duhallow Branch’s Fun Minimus and Tetrathlon, which had its shooting, riding and running phases at Ballindenisk on Bank Holiday Monday.

John Flood, chairman of the IPC’s Tetrathlon and Minimus committee, said he was very appreciative of Mervue’s support for this trip, as he is acutely aware of the importance of electrolytes in travelling and competing, especially in hotter temperatures.

“With Mervue ‘Start Aid Electrolytes’ on board, we have another very important key to the preparation of the equine athletes, who are travelling overseas along with their riders to represent Ireland,” said Flood, who will be chef d’equipe of the 45-strong IPC squad.