A guide price of €10,000/ac to €12,000/ac is being quoted for a 35ac farm with a large farmyard coming up for auction near Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny.

The holding is at Stonyroad, Loon and has been brought to market by Joe Coogan Auctioneers.

The farm sits on a local road that branches off the R426. It’s approximately 4.5km from both Castlecomer and Clogh and 23km from Kilkenny.

The cattle yard is extensive

The land is in one block and has lengthy road frontage. It lies in four fields with stock proof fencing and a natural water supply. The land is in grass and is good quality.

In the yard there is slatted and straw bedded accommodation for approximately 150 store cattle. There is also an enclosed three-bay, round roofed hayshed with sliding doors and a cattle crush.

The farm goes for auction on Friday, 14 March at 3pm in the agent’s auction room at Ballycomey House, Castlecomer.