TRACEY O’Meara raised over €5,000 by cutting her hair last week.

The clerk of the course and clerk of the scales told us: “During lockdown I couldn’t get to a hairdresser so I decided to grow my hair with the aim of eventually getting it cut off and giving it to the Rapunzel Foundation which makes wigs for children.”

It took Tracey three years to grow a full 16 inches of hair which she had chopped off last week. Tracey also had the idea to raise sponsorship from friends and colleagues and, at time of writing, she had collected over €5,300 for the Children’s Hospital in Crumlin.

“I had no expectations around the fundraising and have been overwhelmed by the support I received,” Tracey said. “I probably look very different now with my hair just at my jaw line, but people say it suits me.”
