OUR Corinthian Challenge introductions continue and this week we caught up with challenger Darren Dunne as he continues preparation for the once in a lifetime charity race series together with Irish Injured Jockeys.

Q: Why did you sign up for the Corinthian Challenge?

I see the Corinthian Challenge as a big test of a person’s horse riding ability, fitness, weight loss/control and mental/physical toughness.

I thought it would be a good opportunity to test the above attributes while also being able to raise money for such a good cause for the Irish Injured Jockeys Fund.

Having previously ridden in a single charity race in 2019 (Punchestown Kidney Research Fund Race), I saw the challenge of riding in a three-race series as an even bigger challenge which I would relish and look forward to.

Q: Do you have any family background in racing or where did your interest come from?

I don’t have a direct background in racing or horses. I only started riding horses when I was around 24 years old. My interest in racing mainly came from my mother’s side of the family who would have been big into their racing as supporters.

I live 10 minutes from Fairyhouse and the Easter Festival would have been a big thing around the area, growing up.

I was lucky enough to be involved in syndicates myself in the past with a few winners and also had two point-to-points winners as a sole owner in my own name which were great days.

Q: How is your training going and who is helping you?

Training is going good at the moment. I am currently riding out six mornings a week in Dermot McLoughlin’s and Thomas Coyle’s yard. After riding out I then go to work.

I am doing some sessions on simulators also. In saying that, I’ll never be too fit for race riding, that’s for sure!

Everyone in the two yards has been very good to me over the past few months in allowing me ride out in the mornings and offering bits of advice along the way and also donating to my fundraising efforts.

Q: What is the biggest sacrifice you have had to make so far as part of your commitment to the Challenge?

The biggest sacrifice is definitely food, I would say. I have a sweet tooth, so trying to stay away from stuff like that to help lose weight has been tough. Hopefully it will be worth it in the long run and I can ‘winter well’ after the challenge is complete. I am big into GAA and that has taken a back seat for now as I am trying to give my all to this challenge.

Q: What do you do for a living?

I work as an EMC Technician with Compliance Engineering Ireland Ltd. I am very lucky to have such a supportive employer and they have been very generous in backing me, by becoming my main sponsor for the series.

They are also very understanding with time off and later starts in work in order to ride out and go to events relating to the challenge.

If you’d like to support Darren Dunne, visit https://irishinjuredjockeys.enthuse.com/pf/darren-dunne.

For further information about the series visit www.corinthianchallenge.com and follow Irish Injured Jockeys on their social media channels.

The team at Irish Injured Jockeys would like to thank everyone who has supported and donated to each of this year’s challengers, as they prepare for the second race of the series at the Curragh on September 24th.