IT hardly needs stressing that summer and winter are opposites. Winter is cold and dreary, and the days are short. Summer, at least we hope, features warmer weather, bright sunlight and long days. In Ireland these may be in short supply at times, but we do have more sunshine than we sometimes imagine.

While many of us feel the urge to stay inside during winter, summer produces the opposite effect. During summer you will probably want to spend more time outside and get more exercise. At this time, people often notice a boost in their mental health. This can be seen in both children and adults. A big reason is that the sun gives us more Vitamin D exposure, which can boost mental health.

Today’s column will attempt to highlight some ways that summertime can affect our mental health.

More Vitamin D

One of the good things about summer is that it’s a great time to get outside and bask in the sun, whenever the opportunity arises. One of the benefits of being outside during the summer months is that you’ll receive more vitamin D from sunlight. Ultraviolet rays are what makes us tan and give us Vitamin D.

The valuable Vitamin D assists in building and maintaining healthy bones, by helping them absorb calcium into their structure. People who don’t get enough Vitamin D may also experience muscle weakness, as well as low energy levels due to their inability for muscle contraction. A healthier body helps make a healthier mind.

Time outside

Many people are avid outdoor-lovers, who enjoy being outside as much as they can. However, there are also a lot of people who spend their free time inside, especially in the summer months, when it’s hot outside and it seems like there’s nothing else to do but stay inside, with air conditioning on full blast.

Studies have shown that being outside during the summer months can improve your mental health, by helping you stay active, which is important for sustaining a healthy mind and body.

It’s also been found that simply being exposed to sunlight helps boost serotonin production (a hormone that regulates our mood), so if you’re feeling gloomy or stressed out during this time of year, sitting under an umbrella won’t do much for you, though care should always be taken not to burn and cause other health issues.

Alone time

The summer months are a great period to spend some quality time with yourself. Whether you’re on a road trip, at the beach, or lounging in your backyard, make sure that you take moments throughout the day to reflect and recharge. Take some time out of your busy schedule to sit in silence and meditate, or simply enjoy being in tune with nature without distraction or commotion. You will discover so much about yourself when you aren’t distracted by other people.

Sleep routines

It’s harder to get enough sleep during the summer. It’s hard to deny that the sun has a way of putting us in a good mood, but there are some things about summertime that can affect our mental health in negative ways.

With longer days, shorter nights and brighter mornings, maintaining regular sleep schedules can be difficult, especially when you’re looking forward to spending more time outdoors.

Maintaining a regular bedtime routine is important for getting enough shut-eye, but even if you do manage to stay on schedule during the day (and avoid overdoing it with all that outdoor activity), the increased daylight hours may still throw your body clock off-kilter in the evening.

Winter preparation

When summer ends, it’s hard not to feel like something has been lost. As the days eventually become shorter and colder, we tend to avoid going outside. We retreat into our homes and hide from the elements as much as possible.

It’s important not to abandon your self-care routine just because winter has arrived, even though it feels like you might want to hibernate in your bed with a blanket over your head forever. We have all felt like this from time to time.

So, take advantage of sunlight whenever possible, and remember that light therapy is an easy way to boost serotonin levels naturally without having any negative side effects.

While it is understandable that people often shy away from sunlight during these months, getting outside for even a few minutes each day can help prevent feelings of depression or anxiety caused by a seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is most common during the autumn/winter months when there aren’t enough daylight hours for our bodies’ circadian rhythms.

Family time

It is important to use the summer months to plan outdoor activities with your children. Getting your children used to outdoor time can help instil lifelong, healthy habits that they will carry with them into adulthood. To sum up, and to state the obvious, make the best of each and every good day weather-wise, to get your valuable Vitamin D, enjoy fresh air, and spend time with friends, not forgetting some time for yourself and your own thoughts. Have a lovely summer.