NEXT Friday, four members of the Irish Pony Club are flying to China to take part in an international exchange, where they will join individuals and teams from local Branches and representatives of the Australian, New Zealand and South African Pony Clubs.

Some time ago, Michael Essame, Chairman of the IPC, was approached by Susan Barrett, Chairman Western and North Western Region Ireland China Business Association Council and Sue Foley, Manager at Clonshire Equestrian Centre, to discuss the possibility of an exchange with the China Pony Club.

Since then, Michael has held many face-to-face and zoom meetings with Susan and Sue to facilitate this amazing trip which, once advertised in July, attracted nearly 100 applications. The lucky quartet selected are Aodhan Malone (Westmeath), Emma Quinlan (Meath), Hannah O’Connor (Scarteen) and Ruben Hall (United). There will be a reciprocal visit from four members of the China Pony Club to Ireland next summer.

Last Sunday, while the IPC national hunter trials championships were taking place not too far away at the Hillcrest Equestrian Centre, the four selected members and their parents travelled to Clonshire. There, they met with Fiona Cloke, the IPC Head of Training, who is travelling with the team and who distributed the Irish kit to the riders.