AMID his busy schedule as chef d’equipe of the Irish show jumping team heading off to the FEI Jumping European Championships in Milan early next week, Michael Blake was delighted to be at Millstreet International Horse Show last weekend when his “horse of a lifetime” Titanic was officially retired.

Titanic, who is just 15hh, started his career as a trotter and when it was decided that he was not fast enough to be a trotter, he took to the hunting field. It was here that Michael first saw and sat on what was to become his favourite horse.

Titanic holds the record for the most wins of any horse in the Green Glens Arena at Millstreet so it is fitting that his final outing came here. He has bareback Puissance wins, the eventers’ challenge at Tattersalls when was 18 years of age and has taken multiple riders to compete successfully in the RDS.

Titanic has helped so many riders over the years – 17 to be exact – all of which were listed by Michael Blake ahead of his retirement. The names include his three sons, Maxi Scully, Ger O’Neill, Eoin and Conor McMahon, among others.

Titanic was still taking part in riding club activities up until the end of 2020 where he did his last cross-country competition at the AIRC Championship in Flowerhill. Titanic will live out his days with Vicky Collins who has had him for the last eight years.