THE spectacular fireworks for the specially selected lots forward at Tuesday evening’s Goresbridge Go For Gold Sale was just something to behold this week.
Watching online, you could not step away from the computer for fear you would miss anything over the five hours of trading – bids rolled in that fast and furious – the competition for lots was fierce. Goresbridge matriarch, Mrs Kitty Donohoe (86), was among those watching the entire thing online while some of those present in the auction room, not surprisingly have already flagged up their hopefuls for next year’s renewal to the Goresbridge team.
The growing impact of remote bidders – online and telephone – accounted for the sale of almost 30 of the 71 horses forward on auction day from the catalogue that featured just 80 specially selected lots. Beforehand, the depth of the interest from riders of all backgrounds augured well – some of those who bought horses from America are lawyers who are also keen leisure riders. The very slick production available online from Tadhg Ryan’s Bit-Media allowed them to get straight into the game themselves, perusing the videos and the viewing days available online.
For breeders and producers, the proven platform is there. Standards are high – they have to be – but the rewards are truly out there.
Main selectors for the Go For Gold Sale, Sally Parkyn, Chris Ryan and Clare Ryan, were once again expertly backed up by Nicky Roncoroni and Bridget Speirs.
Hats off to all involved from the top down at both Goresbridge and Barnadown – a rising tide lifts all boats – and this flagship sale delivered in spades for the Irish sport horse industry this week.