The experts at Farming For Nature have shared some things to look out for in March on your farm. Primrose sightings pick up this month. Hedges may begin to show the first clouds of snow-white Blackthorn flowers. These appear even before the leaves do, unlike Whitethorns whose leaves precede the flowers. Carder bee queens, emerging from hibernation, will search for nesting sites at the base of grass tussocks.

Some of the birds that winter in Ireland will be leaving around now. Many of the local birds like Blackbird, Robin, Thrush and Sparrows are really finding their voices. But the smaller Wren are not to be out-sung with their strong calls coming through.

Warmer evenings will see bats emerging. In spring, Hares come together for courtship and there is a higher chance of seeing these otherwise elusive animals. Are you farm planning? Where are you concentrating your effort on the farm? Are there places (steep slopes, wetter areas etc.) which you could manage for nature? Think about these ‘hare’s corners’ as provision for vital refuges for wonderful wildlife without hitting your farm outputs.

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