Losing any calf is difficult, but especially for beef farmers due to their value. Locatim is a highly concentrated sterile solution of specific calf scour antibodies proven to protect newborn calves against scour. Locatim is the only prescription medicine providing guaranteed levels of oral calf scour antibodies. A 60ml dose is given to calves in the first four hours of life, prior to colostrum.

“Our clients use Locatim a lot, especially when problems with scour arise and I use it routinely if there’s a major problem.”

“I use Locatim on my own calves to work with the Rotavec K99 vaccine, but if I have a spread-out calving pattern I go ahead and use the product routinely on all newborn calves,” said Nevin.

Improved performance

Nevin explains that if calves contract scour in early life, their performance is reduced in later life.

“I find that the calves who get Locatim at birth seem to go on and do well. Whereas calves that would have gotten scour would have had delayed growth rates and poor performance.

“I provide Locatim to the calf right after birth, in addition to sufficient colostrum.”

“The calves that got Locatim seem to be healthier than those that didn’t get it. I’m very happy with that aspect.”

Expensive calves

“Beef-bred calves are very expensive, and if you lose one calf, finding a similar replacement calf is nearly impossible because a replacement calf has to come from a dairy herd and that calf is nowhere near the quality of the beef calf that you lost. I would recommend Locatim to farms because, obviously, apart from the loss of performance, calves with scour are very, very expensive to treat in terms of intravenous drips and rehydration supplements. To me, it’s much better to use a preventative dose of Locatim and proceed from there.”

Reducing antibiotic usage

“As veterinarians, we are trying to reduce the use of antibiotics and using Locatim is a good way to achieve this.

"Locatim is a biological product, not an antibiotic. Administering Locatim to newborn calves in the face of an outbreak as a preventative measure can subsequently reduce the antibiotics required to treat infected calves.

“I think Locatim is an excellent product; it’s very simple to administer and it gives great results,” concluded Nevin.

To learn more about calf scour download your FREE guide at www.locatim.ie


Locatim contains Bovine concentrated lactoserum containing specific immunoglobulin G antibodies against E. coli F5 (K99) adhesion =2.8* log /ml. IE: POM. UK POM-VPS. Advice on the use of this medicine must be sought from your veterinary surgeon. Further information is available from the package leaflet, SPC or from Forte Healthcare Ltd. www.fortehealthcare.com