Sport horse
CONNEMARA PONY SHOW: Cabra Jane completes dream summer for O'Hallorans
Irish Field Contributor
Clare Silke reports from the 99th annual Connemara Pony Show in Clifden
23 August 2024 Sport horse news
COMMENT: Big campaign underway
Passionate Connemara Pony owners showed their disappointment this week following the postponement of the ridden and performance classes at the Connnemara Pony Show
19 August 2024 Sport horse news
UPDATED: Clifden show ridden classes postponed
Ridden classes scheduled for the annual Connemara Pony Show in Clifden this week have been postponed and moved to Athenry due to adverse weather
NEWS: CPBS council rumblings return
Seven Directors and Trustees of the Connemara Pony Breeders Society have resigned, signaling a fresh wave of dissent among warring factions
12 July 2024 Sport horse news
NEWS: Clifden Show dates confirmed
Clifden Show update, an ISPCA appeal and the British dressage nominees for Paris
14 June 2024 Sport horse news
NEWS: Deep divisions hamper show plans
In-fighting between warring factions of the Connemara Pony Breeders Society's council continue to thwart plans for the annual show
31 May 2024 Sport horse news
NEWS: Clifden show saved
A stalwart of the Connemara Pony community has stepped in to ensure the smooth runnning of the annual show at it's usual home, the Clifden Showgrounds
24 May 2024 Sport horse news
NEWS: Clifden Show in doubt
Connemara Pony owners and breeders are in outrage over news the 99th annual Connemara Pony Show at the Clifden Showgrounds may not go ahead
17 May 2024 Sport horse news
NEWS: Surface issue puts Clifden Show in doubt
The staging of the much-loved annual Connemara Pony Show at the Clifden showgrounds is in doubt after an issue with the warm-up sand arena was brought to light.
23 February 2024 Sport horse news