Horse Care
The farrier five
Helen Sharp
Horse Sense asks master farrier David Kelly of the Irish Master Farriers Association five of the most commonly asked questions about your horses' feet
3 May 2024 Hoofcare
What you feed in summer affects the hoof in winter
Dr Esther Skelly-Smith BVM BVS MRCVS gives horse Sense a crash course in nutrition for healthy hooves
3 May 2024 Hoofcare
Laminitis is as common as colic
Research has shown that there is no 'safe season' for laminitis and that it is as prevalent as colic
Advertorial Protect hooves against wet conditions with Plusvital
The experts at Plusvital have a solution to support your horse's hooves in the increasingly present wet conditions
3 May 2024 Hoofcare
Dressed for success
Horse Sense takes a look at hoof dressings and picks out a few of the best
3 May 2024 Hoofcare