Letter to the Editor: Racehorses should not end up in a slaughterhouse
Irish Field Contributor
Debby Ewing calls on the racing authorities to issue a definitive statement on what is considered an acceptable end of life scenario for thoroughbreds
21 June 2024 Veterinary
Slaughter and the export of horses for slaughter
Horse Sense invites Dr Joe Collins MVB PhD to look at the facts of the legislation for animals to slaughter
14 June 2024 Racing News
RTÉ report leads to Europe-wide investigations into illegal horse exports
In the period January 2023 to March 2024 identification records showed that 20 horses had been declared unfit for human consumption in the UK or France, but were later slaughtered in Ireland
Minister: 'Department investigating equine slaughter trade'
RTÉ's investigation into welfare issues in the equine industry contained horrific scenes filmed in Ireland's only horse abattoir
12 June 2024 Racing News