Sport horse
TIHA CHAMPIONSHIPS: Gift horses and Valkenswaard ventures
Susan Finnerty
The Traditional Irish Horse Association (TIHA) performance championships took place last Sunday, as Susan Finnerty reports
6 September 2024 Bloodstock news
NEWS: Goffs breeze-up sale set to clash with Derby Sale
Simon Kerins of Tattersalls Ireland says a clash could have been avoided
6 September 2024 Miscellaneous
Kick On!
James Norton of the Irish Masters of Foxhounds Association offers up an overview of activities for the coming season including the launch of a new hunting App
Feeding for the hunting field
Joanne Hurley M.Agr.Sc., head of equine, Gain Equine Nutrition offers advice on how to prepare and maintain hunter health through correct nutrition
6 September 2024 Nutrition
Managing the hunting hoof
Quick tips on how to manage hoof injuries and stone bruises from the hunting field
6 September 2024 Hoofcare
NEWS: Callum Shepherd appeals 18-day riding suspension
Shepherd was found to have failed “to take all reasonable and permissible measures"
29 August 2024 Racing News
NEWS IN BRIEF: Racing stories from the August 24th edition
New appointments at Tattersalls and the Irish Equine Centre, as well as information on the latest Thoroughbid catalogue and Irish Equine Veterinary Association event
23 August 2024 Racing News
NEWS: Concerns raised over new Irish breeze-up sales
The Breeze-Up Consignors Association are in ongoing discussions with its members, along with Goffs and Goresbridge, regarding next year's two new sales
16 August 2024 Racing News
Proposed medicines legislation changes : a threat to animal and human health?
As IEVA release a statement questioning proposed changes to the vet medicines legislation, vet Sue Salter also makes a professional plea for reconsideration
13 August 2024 Veterinary
NEWS: Ryan McElligott departs trainers' body to take up Amo Racing role
The Irish Racehorse Trainers Association is currently advertising for the position of chief executive
9 August 2024 Racing News
PARROT MOUTH: Naas celebrating retired stud and stable staff
Are you eligible to attend this special afternoon on Sunday, August 25th?
2 August 2024 Racing columns
NEWS: 'Big four' excluded from 60 jumps races
Mixed reaction to initiative aimed at helping smaller trainers to have more success
26 July 2024 Racing News