A great gift for a friend or loved one with a horse is a voucher for some sessions of therapies such as veterinary physiotherapy, equine sports massage, salt water treadmill therapy, acupuncture, or a salt room therapy session.

Modern demands that we place on our horses from stabling, to haynets, to ridden work mean that our beloved four-legged friends require additional TLC to ensure they are in optimum condition. Physiotherapy is not exclusively for injured or high-performance horses. Every horse and pony can benefit from physiotherapy treatment, as the aim is not only to improve performance but to also improve comfort and aid in the prevention of injury.

Modern horsemanship

As with human athletes, horses can develop strains, muscle tears, adhesions and fatigue as a result of regular or strenuous exercise. In all aspects of modern horsemanship, owners are finding that massage therapy is beneficial not just to the physical aspect of the horse, but is also improving the horse’s mental well-being.

Give the gift of health this Christmas.