In relation to the statement made by Horse Sport Ireland (HSI) published on October 12th, we would like to respond to categorically state that the statement made by HSI was itself misleading and inaccurate. We specifically reference the HSI comment relating to the meeting of the High Performance affiliates with Sport Ireland (SI) and executive and staff of HSI.

It is a fact that at the meeting SI officials outlined the funding process and method of allocation. It is also a fact that the SI officials were agreeable to the progression of a model that would ensure security of funding and offered the SI Campus facilities to meet in order to progress. It is a fact that HSI have not made any attempt to work constructively with the HP affiliates to progress this matter.

We also note that HSI failed to specify what comments were misrepresentative relating to the meeting. This is not the first occasion that HSI has made inaccurate comments. HSI have also been asked previously to correct such comments and have not done so yet.

The final part of the HSI statement says discussion on public funding must remain factual and accurate. They also state they respect the right of affiliates to raise concerns. Surely, if HSI were adhering to that themselves, they would not be in a situation where affiliates cannot release funding due to multiple concerns. All individual HP affiliates can confirm that this is the case and therefore HSI cannot state that any issue is related to a single affiliate or is an isolated incident.

HSI cannot deny the affiliates have sought multiple year plans to be prepared and costed to allow funding levels to be considered.

It is extremely unprofessional and damaging to the sector for HSI to act in such a cavalier manner in making such comments and it is extremely troubling that HSI would attempt to accuse representatives of the affiliates of providing misleading information, when they are fully aware that the statements made are accurate and thus, HSI have attempted to damage the reputation of the speakers in public.

The issues currently the subject of public comment and scrutiny are mostly of their own making and rather than referring to the expertise within the sector, HSI as an entity has attempted to insulate itself from any real form of accountability. This factor alone is one of the most difficult for the sector to accept and actions taken by HSI during 2024 have given validation to the concerns of the affiliates.

The transcript of the JAC meeting has been available to the public and the affiliates have reviewed this and strongly refute the HSI assertion. The affiliates who have attended hearings of the JAC have at all times ensured that accurate, factual and truthful evidence is provided and have ensured that they are all in a position to substantiate and provide supporting evidence to any statement of fact made.

Yours etc,

Showjumping Ireland, Eventing Ireland, Dressage Ireland, Para Equestrian Ireland