BURSARIES and scholarships worth a total of £96,000 were presented to students at the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE) Loughry Campus in Cookstown, Co Tyrone this week.

CAFRE has campuses in Enniskillen (Fermanagh), Greenmount (Antrim) as well as Loughry. The six equine programmes are delivered at Enniskillen, where there is a focus on hands-on experience with horses and developing partnerships with industry stakeholders. There is a general recognition in the equine industry that CAFRE tends to produce very employable graduates.

There were 18 bursaries presented to CAFRE equine students this week. Absent was Dan McGrath from Dungourney, Co Cork, studying for a Certificate of Higher Education in Equine Science and Management, and winner of the Gerry Dilger Foundation bursary.

The next open day at CAFRE’s Enniskillen campus is Saturday, March 29th.

Web: cafre.ac.uk