TRAINER Eoin McCarthy and jockey Gary Noonan talked with 180 school children during a HRI Juniors education day at Listowel Racecourse on Tuesday.

The children, all from 5th and 6th class in local schools, were shown around the jockeys’ area of the weighroom by Gary, while Eoin brought along the gelding Younowhatimean, who is being aimed at the Harvest Festival in a week’s time.

Racecourse director Donal Lynch gave the visitors a tour of the stableyard and head groundsman Dan O’Connell brought the youngsters on to the track for a bit of fun.

Listowel Races chairman David Fitzmaurice said: “The HRI Juniors education day is very popular and it’s giving children an insight into the behind-the-scenes of the racing world, which is both informative and enjoyable for all concerned.”

Competition winners

THANKS to all who entered last week’s competition for a pair of weekend tickets for Irish Champions Festival. The five winners are Tara Murphy, Aiden Kane, Rhodes Reynolds, Jerry Duggan and Mary Byrne.

Get well soon, Paddy

PADDY Graffin, clerk of the course at Gowran Park, Tipperary and Tramore, is recovering well at home after a fall from a ‘lovely Christian of a horse’ left him with three fractures of his pelvis and hip. He said: “The recovery time is six to 12 weeks but there are an awful lot worse things happening in the world and it’s nothing that time and care won’t heal.”